Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Fulfilling Flex Days :)

Hello, again! Happy belated holidays and welcome to Entrepentuership! This is a course where we discuss the importance of creating a successful business. This past month, we've done many things revolving around psychology. Our instructor had us take multiple personality quizzes because it is actually a known fact that understanding entrepreneurship from a psychological perspective determines whether or not you have the healthy characteristics of improving yourself along with your business.

That's not all, though! Last Friday, we spoke to Maren Rosenberg who told us about the ups and the downs of owning a business. She spoke on many things regarding that topic, but she said one thing that really caught my attention - "do not start a business if you are afraid of failure." - It really made me think since I can be afraid of failure at times, especially when it comes to school or work, and that really showed in many of my personality quiz results. In fact, one of my results mentioned that I tend to be concerned about steadiness which is pretty accurate even though I am pretty far from an over-achiever, I just have a terrible habit of trying to do things perfectly which leads to me getting carried away, and doing everything wrong. 

Okay, but anyway, let's get back to the project, shall we? 

The mission for this AP is to pick an aspect of our school system in which we think needs improvement. Since our school has Flex Days on Wednesdays off where we can work asynchronously. In my opinion, on Flex Days, we should be selfish and do something for ourselves so that we can start back up fresh and prepared for future events. So, in order to do that, we should do something that makes us feel productive, whether that’s knitting a sweater, making playlists, trying out new recipes, or whatever! The point is to reconnect with yourself, however, you would define that.

So, please enjoy this slideshow where I explain my reasoning :)


Overall, this Action Project was pretty cool. It gave us the opportunity to fix or change something about the school system or how it operates, and like every other class taught by this instructor, we are looking into the future of ourselves as well as others.

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More, Hopefully: My Survival Guide :)

Hello, all, and welcome! If you have not been staying tuned then you would know that this will be the last blog that I publish as a GCE stud...