Saturday, February 29, 2020


This is a class called A Maker's Lab Art! It's an art class where we learn how art is created to a certain extent. So far, we've been learning how to create our own masterpieces with machines like 3D printers and Carvey's. With this project, we were asked to create something that utilizes either the 3D printer or the Carvey answering the following questions and that's why I created this:


“What did you do?”
As we all know, I love music, but my favorite artist(s) at the time is BTS. So, I decided to create a 3D carved version of their new album! It’s called Map of the Soul: 7, it’s a heartfelt story that is revolved around the band and all of them finding their “real selves” throughout their journey as a group. It’s also a follow-up to their 2019 EP, Map of the Soul: Persona where all five songs ended up on this most recent album.

“What did you use to create this project?”
I used a website called Easel Inventables (Carvey). Easel Inventables is a solution for 3D carving machines and it’s an easy way to get started in the 3D carving world.

“What did you do well?”
I believe the design is solid itself because I tried my best to have it look exactly like the album and I think I succeeded pretty well.

“What would you do better on this project?”
I would definitely plan this earlier. Originally, I was going to create something basic, but once BTS’ album came out, I felt inspired by their music and wanted to make something revolve around my love for them and their album.

Friday, February 21, 2020

IMAGINE BUYING A GUITAR, couldn't be me...

For the second term of Light, Sound and Time, we studied the concept of sound - what is sound? I learned that sound is just a vibration in which sound waves pass through a medium to the ear. Cool, right? Maybe not, but anyway... the class went on an FE to the Chicago Hearing Society to learn more about the deaf and hard of hearing. When we spoke with them, they explained how living without being able to hear was like living in a society where nobody understands you and vice versa.

For this Action Project, our mission was to create our very own Diddley Bows! If you don't know what a Diddley Bow is, it's a single-stringed instrument that consists of items that can easily be found in your home... hopefully. Anyway, here's a slideshow on how to create a Diddley Bow, how it functions and so much more:

Overall, I had a lot of fun creating my Diddley Bow because it's revolved around music and I absolutely LOVE music. And just to think that you could make this in the comfort of your own home is the coolest part about it. Although there will be some frustrations while creating it (mostly the math part), it will totally be worth it in the end!

Sunday, February 2, 2020


I am taking a course called A Nation's Argument, in which we learn about arguments throughout history and how they evolved into the way they are today. When people hear the word "argument" they automatically think of two people screaming at each other while trying to get their points across. But I learned that's not necessarily an argument. An argument is simply trying to explain your reasoning for something you believe in, sort of like a debate. The mission for our Action Project was to create our very own class to study and write about why we should be able to study that specific subject or activity. I chose to write a declaration on social media awareness. Social media was created to maintain connections, create a sense of community, engage in virtual networking, and acquire information. However, many Generation Xers and Millennials use social media to distract themselves from the real world. I decided to study this because people should think before they post something.



Guiding Question: Can social media be displaced as more than entertainment purposes?

Introduction: If you can imagine social media being created for people to maintain connections, create a sense of community, engage in virtual networking, and acquire information at the speed of lightning, you don't have to. It's intended for all of those things to happen. However, like a lot of things when you do not have the necessary tools, it is easy to break and misuse something. Social media is no different. That is why students would benefit from a yearlong interactive class that provides then with the tools to skillfully and successfully use social media.

Personal/Logical Evidence: Many Generation Xers and Millenials use social media to distract themselves from the real world. Social media was created for people to network with others or stay-up-to-date with current events. I created this declaration because having a social media class could change that by teaching students different methods to use social media as a tool to make connections instead of using it as a competition to see who gets the most likes and followers.

  • P1
Social media was created in order for people to network with others whether it's family or opportunities.

  • P2
Generation Xers and Millennials use social media to distract themselves from the world.
  • Conclusion
People are using social media for the wrong reasons instead of what it was originally made for.

Historical Revolution: In 1997, was one of the first known social media sites. On this site, users could set up a profile page, create lists of connections, and send messages within networks. Although was a social media that promoted connectivity, it was very different from the sites that we have today. Specifically, sites like were limited within their reach because users had to remain mostly stationary. 

Fast forward a couple of years into the new Millenium, the internet went crazy over sites like Friendster and Myspace. Friendster had its private profiles which were short-lived while Myspace had public profiles with millions of users and lasted much longer. It was the go-to site for teens and music fanatics, plus the site allowed you to customize public profiles.

Between 2003-2006 social media sites began to look a lot like they look today. In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facemash, a Harvard University gossip site, but Zuckerberg's most successful social media venture "Facebook" followed in 2004. In 2005, "The Facebook" became and continues to be the most popular social media site. also launched in 2005 and today it remains the go-to site for DIY projects or video game tricks. In 2006, Twitter launched which went from users saying nothing to now being a top place to check for breaking news.

The historical revolution includes many dot-com sites that did not last a year and some sites that remain active. The origins of social media stretch further that I know. Although it seems like a new and emerging trend, sites like Myspace, Facebook and Twitter are a part of the natural progression of technology and technological advances.

  • Books
- The Dark Side of Social Media
- Influencer
- Connected
  • Movies
- Cyberbully
- Reality High
- Unfriended
  • Places
- Optimizing Social Media
- Social Media for Business Class

This will be a year-long course.

Unit 1: The what, why's and how's of Social Media!
  • Discuss how social media has been designed to give students the tools required to develop responsible social media habits and behaviors.
Unit 2: The Risk of Social Media: Is it worth my future?

  • Understand the long-term consequences that irresponsible social media usage can have on a student's educational, athletic and professional careers.
Unit 3: The benefits of Social Media: Can I make a career in Social Media?

  • Shows students the way to which they can use social media to promote their own team, school, community, and brand.
Desired Outcome: A clear understanding of the importance of knowing what you are posting on social media.

More, Hopefully: My Survival Guide :)

Hello, all, and welcome! If you have not been staying tuned then you would know that this will be the last blog that I publish as a GCE stud...